Ministries that Support Worship

Chancel (Altar) Guild

Our dedicated Chancel Guild members prepare the sanctuary for all services.

Servers Guild

Volunteers of all ages train and serve at Sunday services throughout the year, as well as at special services, including some weddings and funerals.


The Intercessors are a group from our congregation who prepare and lead the prayers of the people at the Sunday services.


Our group of lectors read the lessons at each service.

Lay Administrators

This group administers the chalice at Holy Communion.

Master of Ceremony

These parishioners trained as MC’s assist at the services. The Master of Ceremonies coordinates with any concelebrating priests, deacons, visiting priests, servers and sometimes the lectors, to make sure the service runs smoothly. They will also assist with communion as needed.

Lay Readers

This group of individuals are licensed by the Bishop to support worship at St. George’s and in the community.

Sides People

This wonderful group of individuals welcomes parishioners and newcomers to the church at each service.

Worship Committee

Our Worship Committee meets regularly to discuss worship and plan services. The committee is composed of representatives from various groups involved in worship.


Our Chimers add a unique and beautiful element of music to our liturgy and other events throughout the year. Learn more in our MUSIC section.


Our Choir is an integral part of worship at St George’s. Learn more in our MUSIC section

Spirit Seekers

The Spirit Seekers are a vibrant and energetic youth group dedicated to exploring and deepening our connection with the Holy Spirit. Learn More